Vision 2035 describes south-eastern Alberta as it could be in just twelve years. Existing programs and technologies are described as if they have been implemented enthusiastically.
I hope readers will be see certain aspects of this picture that they strongly support, and then work toward creating that image. If you notice that a particularly valuable example has not been included, please let me know. Audience participation is strongly encouraged!
Prairie Streams provides tips on the effective management of small water courses in the prairie region of southeastern Alberta. This illustrated e-book shows how our streams can be contributing far more ecosystem services. The increasing popularity of beaver in conserving water is highlighted.
This very large file (174 MB) may take quite some time to download. If this is beyond the capacity of your internet connection, send me your mailing address and I will snail-mail a memory stick with the file.
Young Agrarians is a farmer-to-farmer educational resource network for new and young ecological, organic and regenerative farmers in Canada. Since 2012, our network has been volunteer-driven, with farmers across the country organizing on-farm events and building community to create spaces for knowledge sharing and growth.
The group matches aspiring young farmers with mentors, land, apprenticeships and other resources to ensure a successful career in agriculture.
Green Energy Futures provides weekly vignettes describing the latest sustainable energy projects. Together, the 280+ brief but incisive 4-minutes audio shows provide a history of the future. Host David Dodge interviews the movers and shakers in Alberta's green energy scene, illustrating what is already happening.
Host Laura Lynch explores the impacts of our climate emergency on this half-hour CBC Radio show. Listen on Sundays at 12:30 pm or Wednesdays at 11:30 am, or catch the whole series at the program's CBC archive.
Just Have A Think provides a concise 14-minute summary of what regenerative agriculture is, and why we need it.
In From the Ground Up Amy Browne interviews several Australian farmers, from those with large herds of cattle to tiny but intensive vegetable gardens. Each has seen remarkable improvement in their soil through better management. At the same time, the cooperation and involvement of urban residents is highlighted as essential.
Dong Jianyi's solar-heated greenhouse includes several innovations that allow year-round use for vegetables, even in Alberta winters. He provides considerably more design details in this YouTube video. Enjoy many other podcasts and programs provided byRural Routes to Climate Solutions.
Soil Solutions to Climate Problems summarizes how soil works, and especially how it holds carbon, in this clear four-minute video. Michael Pallin narrates this introductory program, explaining why carbon should be in the soil, and how it gets there.
DRAWDOWN lists some 80 technologies and activities that each remove significant amounts of carbon from the atmosphere, or reduce current emissions. Each section includes an introduction to the action, and several references for further detail.
In 1974, Christopher and his associates published A PATTERN LANGUAGE. Not to be too grandiose, this epic volume brings together the best thinking about landscape planning, urban living and architecture of the past several millennia. In 253 patterns, or mini-chapters, the authors paint a rich picture of life as it ought to be lived. At each step, they provide both vivid examples and instructions for success.
Transition to a more sustainable lifestyle may be a new concept. Even people who are familiar with the idea have trouble imagining what a sustainable society will look like. You can learn more about the idea with this general brochure. It describes the type of projects, events and activities that we will be presenting. Or, you can check out this scenario:
Regenerative Agriculture
Regenerative Agriculture refers to an ecological approach to farming that enables landscapes to renew themselves.
The grassland of southeastern Alberta and southwestern Saskatchewan presents dramatic scenery and local customs that may be unfamiliar to many visitors.
Transition Medicine Hat has written a brief introduction to help newcomers explore this region with confidence. Urban residents are encouraged to keep these points in mind as they venture into this spectacular landscape.
TRANSITION NETWORK presents a wealth of information about other projects around the world, as well as background on the movement and links to other locations.
Last up-dated February 5, 2024